강남가라오케:The Crossover Exercise

(Crossover) Karaoke Exercise

What Is the (Crossover) Karaoke Exercise

The 강남가라오케 is also referred to as the crossover exercise. As we previously mentioned, it’s an amazing warm-up exercise. The movement of the Karaoke is great for improving agility, footwork, and lateral movement. Its pace can be tailored to beginners and intermediate athletes which makes it very versatile. When beginning to learn the Karaoke, start slow and then increase your pace once you’ve perfected the movement!

You can progress the Karaoke by incorporating your arms into the movement. Keep your shoulders straight and extend the arms at shoulder height to aid with your balance.

How to Perform the Crossover

Which can also be referred to as “The Karaoke.” Begin in a standing position and perform a grapevine pattern, while picking up speed in a sideways direction. Relax your arms at your side and as you run, place one-foot or step in front of the other leg, step out to the side and bring the other leg behind you. Repeat evenly on both sides. Be sure to turn with your pelvis and keep your abs pulled into the back of your spine.

Crossover exercise or (Karaoke Exercise)

Karaoke Warm Up Exercise

The Karaoke is perfect for a dynamic warm-up. In fact, many sports such as soccer, football, tennis, and basketball use the Karaoke to prepare their athletes for movement as it takes them thought the rotational plane. The Karaoke’s simplicity and need for no equipment make it perfect to use when teams are on the road or have minimal space to warm-up.

Benefits of the Crossover (Karaoke Exercise)

It’s a great full-body warmup drill, working in a lateral plane of motion which assists in improving agility, coordination, and speed.

Muscles Worked While Performing the Crossover (Karaoke Exercise)

In this drill, the glutes (gluteus maximus), hamstrings, quads, calves, shoulders, and abs are targeted. This exercise is useful as a quick warm-up for the full-body and is great in preparing the body for running or plyometric type of training. ‘

Karaoke Drill

There are a few drills of the Karaoke that you can try. The karaoke drills are the karaoke with a kick, reverse karaoke, forward karaoke and the original karaoke. Below, we’ll explain each drill:

Karaoke with a Kick

Using the same technique as the conventional Karaoke, we are adding a high knee into the movement. Perform one cycle of the Karaoke. At the beginning of the next cycle, drive the leading leg up high as if you were performing a high knee. Continue with the cycle as usual.

Reverse Karaoke

This version of the Karaoke is done using a ladder. Begin at one end of the ladder facing forwards as if you were climbing it. Stand on the right of the ladder and step backwards into the first square with your right foot. Then step your left foot outside of the ladder on the left side. Bring your right foot outside of the ladder above the left foot, and step backwards into the next square of the ladder with the left foot. Repeat this weaving pattern with one foot stepping into the ladder, and the other outside the ladder.  Remember to always keep your shoulders facing forwards.


Forward Karaoke

Begin at the end of the ladder, to the right side of the first space. Cross the right foot over the left foot into the first box. Step the left foot outside of the box to the left side and then follow with the right foot. Cross the left foot over the right into the second box. Step the right foot outside of the ladder on the right and then follow with the left. Repeat this movement until the end of the ladder.

Carioca Exercise

The carioca exercise is also known as the karaoke exercise and the crossover exercise. The carioca exercise is a dynamic warm up often used in group exercise classes. It is used as part of their cardio component in the class, and combined with other movements such as a squat. It helps increase agility as well. All you need to perform this area is an open space.

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